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Are you tired of remembering the dull grammar but still willing to use the language in your daily life? Have you learned the Swedish language but never had the courage to start a conversation with your Swedish colleagues?

Kommer du våga ta utmaningen?(Will you dare to take the "Niu" Year challenge? ) Here is the Swedish Speaking Course for you!

The course consists of 10 classes and is taught by a professional teacher Ms. Zhuyongmei who is currently is a lecturer in the school of continuing education at Beijing Foreign Studies University. Ms. Zhu was a graduate Swedish major from Beijing Foreign Studies University andworked in the Department of Western Europe and Northern Europe of the Ministry of foreign affairs. During her tenure in the Ministry of foreign affairs, she was the third secretary of the Chinese Embassy in Sweden. She was responsible for the investigation of Swedish politics, economy, and society, and had a deep understanding of Sweden's national conditions, policies, and rules.

In this course, Ms. Zhu will pay the most emphasis on practical usage of Speaking Swedish which you can use to start the small talk at ease in everyday and workplace scenarios.

After completing the whole courses, you will

  • master basic daily conversations covering selected topics
  • master Swedish alphabet knowledge and simple grammar knowledge
  • learn general knowledge of Sweden, Swedish culture, and customs
  • expand your network with classmates and SwedCham
  • bring a closer relationship with Swedish clients/managers/friends with confidence and strength at Swedish working environment
  • a diploma issued by Beijing Foreign Studies University and a certificate letter by SwedCham, adding CV skills.

Course details

Date: March 24, March 31; April 7, April 14, April 21, April 28; May 12, May 19, May 26; June 2

Time: 7:30 - 9: 10 PM ,including 10 mins break; 90 minutes each time

Venue: the courses will be organized via Zoom meeting

Early Bird Price: RMB 4500/Member;RMB 6200/ Non-member (expires on Feb.28 at 11 PM)

Member Price: RMB 4900/person;

Non-member: 6600/person.

Course capacity: Maximum 10 seats

Welcome to sign up for the Swedish speaking courses before March 8th, 2021. Välkommen!!

Course Content

  • Overview of Swedish: language family and scope of language application
  • Learn the pronunciation of the Swedish language
  • Learn to introduce yourself in Swedish
  • Introduction to Sweden's most famous Nobel prizes
  • Introduction to Sweden General knowledge of geography and administrative division of Sweden
  • Introduction to the Swedish education system and some famous universities
  • Introduce Swedish film industry and music industry, and famous artists
  • Learn time expressions and numbers in Swedish
  • Learn to talk about your family members, your hobbies, your favorite sports, etc. in Swedish
  • Employment situation in Sweden and employment opportunities for foreigners in Sweden

You can download the course syllabus both in English and Chinese under "Documents" on this page to see the specific course outlines!


  • 瑞典语语言概述:语族,应用范围
  • 瑞典地理和行政概况
  • 学习瑞典语发音
  • 学习用瑞典语进行自我介绍
  • 瑞典诺贝尔奖介绍
  • 瑞典教育系统和名校介绍
  • 瑞典电影音乐行业和瑞典知名艺术家介绍
  • 移民在瑞典就业情况介绍
  • 学习用瑞典语表达时间和数字等
  • 学习用瑞典语介绍你的家人,爱好,最喜欢的运动等等



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A special thanks to our Corporate Partners for supporting the Swedish business community in China.

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