On behalf of the Sino-Swedish Innovation & Entrepreneurship Centre it is our great pleasure to announce the 2017 Sino-Swedish Innovation & Entrepreneurship Forum & Match Making.
The purpose of the forum is to further help and promote matchmaking and cooperation between Sweden and China. 16 Swedish and Norwegian companies are flying to China for this event and to have presentations, be part of the roadshow and matchmaking.
If you are a representing a Scandinavian company interested in learning more about SSIEC, or perhaps find a Chinese partner or just want to come and listen you are more than welcome!
The forum is taking place between 21-22 November 2017 in Beijing.
About us Sino-Swedish Innovation & Entrepreneurship Centre (SSIEC) is a landing platform for Swedish-Chinese business initiatives in China. Innovation and Entrepreneurship in China. By providing a physical space for the development of sustainable and lucrative solutions, brought forward by Swedish and Chinese companies.
With a physical space in the hearth of the Chinese Capital and direct access to a number of landing services and networking opportunities. SSIEC serves as a platform for project development and match-making between investors, investees and potential partners. Through a cooperation with many different Swedish and Chinese organizations, together with an emphasis to provide interactive and dynamic meeting platforms. SSIEC becomes more than a business incubator. It also serves as a forum to facilitate meetings, learning and cultural exchange. Open to all Swedish-Chinese initiatives. More documents and agenda are in below.
Sign up for November 22, the second day of the forum
Launch Ceremony for Sino-Swedish Innovation & Entrepreneurship Centre 中国瑞典创新创业基地启动仪式
The second day of the forum is the official Launch Ceremony for Sino-Swedish Innovation & Entrepreneurship Centre & its new facilities.
This is an open event that welcomes anyone interested in the promotion of Sino-Swedish business initiatives in China.
Register by RSVP to contact@sinosweden.com
Sign up for November 21, the first day of the Forum
The 2017 Sino-Swedish Innovation & Entrepreneurship Forum& Match Making 2017 第二届中国瑞典创新创业论坛 暨瑞典创新项目对接高峰会
The Swedish Chamber of Commerce have 30 seats reserved for its members that would like to participate. Hurry up and register!
Register by scanning the QR code and follow the instructions (in Chinese only)