Member PriceThe ticket includes 2 drinks of your selection (soft drink/ beer/ white wine / red wine / highball)
and small canapés.
- Member PricePrice:RMB 200
Buy TicketNon-member ticket
Standard PriceThe ticket includes 2 drinks of your selection (soft drink/ beer/ white wine / red wine / highball)
and small canapés.
- Standard PricePrice:RMB 300
Buy TicketMember
Member PriceThe ticket includes 2 drinks of your selection (soft drink/ beer/ white wine / red wine / highball)
and small canapés.
- Member PricePrice:RMB 200
Buy TicketNon-member ticket
Standard PriceThe ticket includes 2 drinks of your selection (soft drink/ beer/ white wine / red wine / highball)
and small canapés.
- Standard PricePrice:RMB 300
Buy Ticket