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SwedCham China is delighted to organize a full-day training on the critical topic of "Transformative Leadership" on August 23, 2024. This comprehensive program is designed to empower business leaders in China with the mindsets, strategies, and tools required to navigate complex, fast-paced environments and drive sustainable organizational transformation.

Led by experienced facilitator Martin Voon, the training will be conducted entirely in Chinese to ensure maximum engagement and relevance for our local audience.

But the learning doesn't stop there. As a special bonus, all registered attendees will receive a complimentary online team coaching session on a future date. This personalized follow-up will provide an opportunity to apply the training insights directly to your unique leadership challenges and opportunities.

Don't miss this valuable chance to elevate your transformative leadership capabilities and position your organization for long-term success.


该培训由经验丰富的培训师 Martin Voon主导, 全程采用中文授课, 确保本地受众能够充分参与并从中获益。

学习并不仅限于培训当天。作为特别奖励, 所有注册参加的学员都将获得一次免费的在线团队教练指导机会。这一个性化的后续辅导将为学员提供机会,将培训洞见直接应用于自身独特的领导挑战和机遇。

What you will gain? 课程收获

  • Understanding what transformative leadership is, the characteristics and traits of leadership roles, areas of performance, as well as action plans; 了解变革型领导是什么,领导角色的特点和特质,绩效领域,以及行动计划
  • Transferring what is learnt back to the workplace through action learning; 通过行动学习,将学到的东西重新转移到工作场所
  • Networking and bonding with other like-minded professionals in growing together; 与其他志同道合的专业人士建立联系,共同成长
  • One Full Day offline workshop session; 全天线下培训工作坊
  • Post workshop : One Day online Team coaching session; 培训结束后一次全天线上团体教练。

Workshop Outline 培训大纲

A.M 上午

Setting the context 设定背景

  • The WHY of change and the need for leading transformation. 变革的"为什么"及领导转型的必要性
  • From VUCA to BANI era implied an increase in dealing with uncertainty with anti-fragile (Ref: Anti-fragile by Taleb author of Black Swan) 从VUCA到BANI时代意味着要应对更多不确定性,需要具备抗脆弱能力(参考黑天鹅作者塔勒布的《反脆弱》)
  • The 8 steps in leading change from John Kotter - The iceberg is melting 根据约翰·科特的8个步骤来引导变革 - "冰山正在融化"

P.M 下午

  • Enhancing the focus on the behavior required for leading transformation in a BANI er; 提升在BANI时代引领转型所需行为的关注度
  • RSVP experiential activities to explore behaviors in dealing with nonlinear and incomprehensible biz settings; RSVP体验性活动,探索如何应对非线性和难以理解的商业环境
  • 4 essential leadership competencies required for leading transformation; 引领转型所需的4项关键领导力胜任力

Target Group 培训对象

企业中层管理者, 对本场培训主题感兴趣的学员。

Trainer 讲师

Martin Voon, Managing Partner at Specifique Consulting

Event Information 培训信息

Date: August 23, 2024; 2024年8月23 日

Time: 09:30 - 17:30

Fee 费用: 4500元/Member/会员, 6000元/Non-Member/非会员

Language: In Chinese, 中文讲解

Venue: Swedcham Beijing Office 中国瑞典会北京办公室

Address: Room 230, No. 20, Xinyuanlixi, Chaoyang District, Beijing 北京市朝阳区新源里西20号2层230室

Registration Deadline: Before 12:00 pm August 22, 2024, 报名截止日期2024年8月22日中午12点。

Note 请知悉

The training will proceed with minimum 8 participants, and maximum number of participant is 20.


取消政策 Cancellation policy


Refunds for purchased courses are only processed upon receiving written notice of cancellation and when received no later than 7 working days before the course starts.

Photo Credit: Nick Fewings on Unsplash



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Corporate Gold Partners

A special thanks to our Corporate Gold Partners for supporting the Swedish business community in China.

Corporate Silver Partners

A special thanks to our Corporate Silver Partners for supporting the Swedish business community in China.