The Danish, Swedish, Finnish and Norwegian Chambers of Commerce in Shanghai are happy to offer Team Management Training Program in Chinese together with some of the leading European & Asian talent management consulting companies in Spring 2021.
The program will be targeting emerging or middle management staff from all our corporate members and individual members. The program has 3 modules which are taught in Chinese over 3 months. Each module is a half day training in the morning. After completing all three modules, the participant will get an official certificate issued by the chambers and the facilitators.
Team Management Program:
We have 25 seats available per program. The sign up is on individual basis. Certification is only achieved, when the same person participates in all three modules.
Price: Each 3 module program costs 3.500,- RMB (includes training materials and catering)
Sign Up: Please sign up with these details: name, company, title/occupation and seniority before January 20th 2021. Members Only.
Please note, that we will only launch the each topic training if 18 members or more sign up by the 20th January 2021.
For more details in English, see the attached documents.