CEO of IKEA China
安娜作为现任宜家中国区总裁,负责统筹领导英格卡集团在中国大陆的各公司。 Anna is presently the CEO and President for IKEA China, leading the totality of the Ingka companies in China mainland. 在加入宜家之前,安娜曾经在英国工作,先后涉足律师和零售行业,拥有丰富的工作经验。2008年9月,安娜加入宜家,在宜家英国和爱尔兰从事财务相关工作。 Anna has an extensive business background prior to IKEA into lawyer and then retail sector in the UK. She initially joined IKEA in September 2008 and was working during the years in the finance field in the UK and IE. 2012 年,安娜作为董事会成员加入波兰宜家,并同时担任宜家东南欧物流和宜家购物中心波兰的监事会成员。之后,她担任宜家零售波兰副总裁,主管商业计划、多渠道零售执行、可持续发展以及领导了宜家集团各个公司在波兰市场的共同议程。 In 2012, Anna moved to Poland as a Member of Management Board. During that time, she was as well a Supervisory Board Member for Distribution Service South East Europe and IKEA Centers Poland. She then took the role of CEO Deputy IKEA Retail Poland, responsible for the commercial agenda, the multichannel implementation, sustainability and leading agenda for common topics for IKEA Group companies in Poland. 2016年9月,安娜接任了宜家零售波兰总裁一职,并兼管宜家置业和宜家风电场业务。在宜家的工作之外,她还积极参与志愿工作,曾加入过Facebook波兰客户顾问委员会,且至今仍然是联合国全球契约项目委员会的成员。 In September 2016 Anna moved into the role of CEO IKEA Retail Poland including ownership also for the IKEA Property and windfarm companies. Outside IKEA, Anna is also well engaged in voluntary jobs, she was Client Advisory Board Member Facebook Poland and also is still a Program Board Member for UN Global Compact. 2018 年 9 月起,安娜接受了全新的挑战,移居中国,出任宜家中国区总裁,负责领导中国市场的所有宜家公司。 From September 2018, Anna started her new role in China as CEO and President of IKEA China leading the IKEA companies in China market. 在安娜多年的宜家高层管理工作中,她以实际工作成果证实了她的能力。通过激励、动员和培养各层级人员,她善于领导团队在竞争激烈的环境中不断提高业绩。安娜在实现商业增长的同时,还积极致力于人才培养,并大力推行诚信领导。她善于激励员工,鼓励大家转换视角、发现更多机遇,并团结一心实现成果。她卓越的领导力也使她成为了宜家全球女性领导的楷模之一。 During extensive top management experience, Anna had a proven track record of highly improving performance in a competitive environment achieved through motivation, engagement and development of people at all levels. Anna is full of passion for growing people and business together and promotor of authentic leadership. Her ability to inspire people to see possibilities beyond and to create togetherness has made her one of the role models of female leadership in IKEA world.