This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China events.

As China is moving forward to a steady recovery phase from the COVID-19 outbreak, the time right now offers a great opportunity to analyze the lessons learned from this crisis, and build up or revisit your talent development plan.

SwedCham China invites you this webinar, helping you to build up a plan to assure that the talent potential in your company will deliver tangible business results. After the webinar the participants will have hands-on tools to provide, understand and make informed decisions on the following topics:

  • How to build up a baseline? i.e. the current level of competence via self-assessments.
  • How does a typical talent analytics program look like from the process point-of-view?
  • Does my company need a leadership framework model?
  • How to benchmark my company's talent potential?
  • What kind of investment is required for these talent development projects?

Coming from a business management background, the speaker aims to deliver a pragmatic approach reflecting practical examples for all functions in a company.

About the speaker:

HenriManner has worked twelve years for Etola, where he as CEO built Finnish Etola Company's China business from a scratch before moving to HUB logistics, Finland, Helsinki office. There he worked as a Business Director in Aviation and Group Sales & Marketing Director. Today Henri leads MPS China's growth and works with leadership development and executive search assignments. He is a certified trainer for the SHL methods applied in leadership develop­ment programs.








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