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Main organized by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China, we are happy to invite you to join our full-day workshop in Shanghai on: Data Analysis Empowered Decision-making/数据分析赋能科学决策 Welcome to join us!


In workplaces today, decision-making happens every minute. However, decisions are often based on experience, intuition, and even panic reactions under pressure. Whether they are correct or not is simply a matter of luck. Digitization makes it easier to obtain data, but we often struggle to draw valid conclusions when faced with massive amounts of data. This course is designed to overcome the above dilemmas. It helps students build a data analysis empowered decision-making mindset. The course is systematic and practical:

Systematic: organically insert data analysis tools into a clear overall framework of decision-making. Students will master a systematic approach rather than discrete tools.

Practical: With a work-related simulation game embedded, students could actively practice the tools. Not only to learn the "what" and "why", but also master the " how" and achieve visible results onsite.




Target Audience/目标学员

Professionals in all industries and positions who is in need of data analysis and decision-making.


Teaching Method/授课形式

Lectures, case study, group discussion, group exercise, simulation game



At the end of this session, participants will:

· Change the mindset: get rid of their fixed pattern for problem solving and data analysis, while establishing a systematic decision-making mindset based on data analysis

· Master the method: master a systematic decision-making method

· Upgrade the skillset: be proficient in using data analysis tools such as hypothesis testing, correlation analysis, regression analysis, etc., and mastering the logic principles

· Solve a real problem: participants will solve a real problem through a simulation game, applying the methodology and tools learned in the training.


• 改变固有思维模式:打破"跟着感觉走"和"被数据推着走"的固有模式,建立基于数据分析的科学决策思维

• 掌握问题解决方法:掌握科学决策方法

• 熟练数据分析工具:熟练使用假设检验、相关分析、回归分析等常用数据分析工具,并掌握背后原理

• 解决实际工作问题:通过模拟游戏,在培训现场解决一个工作场景中的实际问题


Part One: Establish the Mindset

  • Interaction Case 1: Scientific decision-making mindset
  • Interaction Case 2: Correct data-driven mindset
  • Reflection: How to build a data analysis empowered decision-making mindset

Part Two: Master the Method

· A simulation case study (initial status)

· Step 1: Understand the problem itself

  • Establish problem indicators
  • SMART principles
  • Clarify the essence of the problem
  • From "Voice of the Customer" to "Critical Quality Characteristics"
  • Exercise 1: practice phase 1 tools in the simulation case

· Step 2: Assess the Current State

  • Scientific data collection
  • Data collection approach
  • Reliability of data collection
  • Statistical sampling basics
  • Sampling strategy
  • Effectively present data collection result
  • Key statistics
  • Key performance indicators
  • Visualization
  • Exercise 2: practice phase 2 tools in the simulation case

· Step 3: Find out the root causes through data analysis

  • Data analysis foundation
  • Hypothesis test
  • Correlation
  • Regression
  • Exercise 3: data analysis practice with the simulation case data (using Excel)

Step 4: Make scientific decision

  • Summary and recap


  • 互动案例1:科学的决策思维
  • 互动案例2:正确的数据思维
  • 思考:如何建立基于数据分析的科学决策思维


  • 某问题解决模拟情景的背景介绍(初始状态)
  • 第一步:明确问题本身
  • 设立问题指标:SMART原则
  • 明确问题本质:从"客户的声音"到"关键质量特性"
  • 练习1:第一阶段工具在模拟情景中的实操练习
  • 第二步:通过数据衡量现状
  • 科学收集数据
  • 定义数据收集方法
  • 检验数据收集方法的可靠性
  • 理解抽样原理
  • 选择抽样方法
  • 有效呈现结
  • 关键统计量
  • 流程表现指标
  • 可视化
  • 练习2:第二阶段工具在模拟情景中的实操练习
  • 第三步:通过数据分析识别根本原因
  • 数据分析基本原理
  • 假设检验
  • 相关分析
  • 回归分析
  • 练习3:基于模拟情景中数据的定量分析工具实操练习(需使用Excel)
  • 第四步:做出科学决策


Date 日期

9 August/8月9日



Tutor 讲师

Nadya Liu, Linke Consulting

Language 培训语言

The workshop will be held in Chinese.


Price 价格

Member: 3050 RMB

Non- Member: 3650 RMB

Venue 地点

Envac office in Shanghai


Room 1005, 18 Building,No.2177,Shenkun Rd, Minghang District, Shanghai

Cancellation Policy

If you cannot attend a training for which you have registered, please cancel your registration no later than seven business days prior to the event. If you fail to notify us of your cancellation in a timely fashion, you will be charged for the training costs.

Fapiao (VAT Invoice)

Apply fapiao when purchasing a ticket, by inputting the Chinese entity name and tax ID (if the title is wrong, you will be unable to receive the Fapaio). Make sure your IT has whitelisted the domain "​. E-Fapiao will be sent to your e-mail within 7 days after completed event (check spam folder). If the fapiao can not be received, please provide an alternative email or contact


Sponsors and Partners

Corporate Gold Partners

A special thanks to our Corporate Gold Partners for supporting the Swedish business community in China.

Corporate Silver Partners

A special thanks to our Corporate Silver Partners for supporting the Swedish business community in China.

