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在讲座中我们将一起学习、探讨如何更坚定个人及团队优势并延展,如何从成功经验中增强团队的信心,以及如何创新性地拉伸团队动力和韧性。此次课程的讲师郑斐老师将结合理论知识与实践操作,通过引人入胜的练习和讨论理解知识点,从而提升技能。这场讲座将为你提供灵感和动力,让你成为销售行业的领军人物!欢迎报名课程, 与我们一起精进学习!

In this uncertain era, how can salespeople navigate the market and meet challenges? Welcome to join the our workshop "Stimulating Sales Motivation" organized by the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China and Dale Carnegie Training. We will explore together how to stimulate sales momentum and tap into your sales potential in today's era.

In the workshop, we will learn and explore how to strengthen individual and team strengths and extend them, how to enhance team confidence from successful experiences, and how to creatively stretch team motivation and resilience. The Speaker Christina Zheng is the managing director of Dale Carnegie Beijing.She will combine theoretical knowledge with practical operations to improve skills through engaging exercises and discussions to understand the knowledge points. This lecture will provide you with inspiration and motivation, making you a leader in the sales industry! Welcome to register for the course and learn together!



a. 更坚定个人及团队优势并延展

b. 从成功经验中增强团队的信心

c. 创新性地拉伸团队动力和韧性

Training Points:

Workshop Stimulate sales motivation

a. Stronger personal and team strengths and extension

b. Enhancing team confidence from successful experiences

c. Innovatively stretching team motivation and resilience


卡内基训练®成立于1912年,目前在全球超 过80个国家和地区有分支机构,拥有超过3000 位全球认证讲师和教练,用30多种不同语言, 提供ISO体系认证的教学服务,是一家为企业人 才发展提供专业解决方案的全球服务商。卡内基 训练®自1987年进入中国,在过去30多年里, 本着融入中国,服务全球的理念,在企业本地人 才培养,业务全球发展中提供人才发展的系统性 解决方案。

卡内基训练®通过Thought Leadership前 瞻领导力研究团队,提供全球调研报告及白皮 书,发布了包括企业文化、多元和包容、领导力 盲点、员工敬业、敏捷变革、创新等不同主题, 为企业人力发展提供前瞻性的全球视野。

About Dale Carnegie Training

Dale Carnegie Training ® Established in 1912, we currently have branches in over 80 countries and regions worldwide, with over 3000 globally certified instructors and coaches. We provide ISO certified teaching services in over 30 different languages, and are a global service provider providing professional solutions for talent development in enterprises. Carnegie Training ® Since entering China in 1987, over the past 30 years, with the concept of integrating into China and serving the world, we have provided systematic solutions for talent development in local talent cultivation and global business development for enterprises.

Dale Carnegie Training ® Through the Forward Leadership Research Team of Thought Leadership, we provide global research reports and white papers, and publish different themes including corporate culture, diversity and inclusiveness, leadership blind spots, employee engagement, agile change, innovation, etc., providing a forward-looking global perspective for human development in enterprises.

Course details


2023年9月22日 , Sep 22, 2023


14:00 -16:00


Member price: 200 RMB

Non-member price: 300 RMB



Location :Room 7C3. Floor 7, T2, Xihuan Plaza

No. 1, Xizhimenwai Street, Xicheng District,Beijing 100044


Christina Zheng,

managing director of Beijing reality enterprise management consulting co., LTD., an authorized institution of Carnegie training®.


In Chinese

Course capacity: 20-30

Cancellation Policy

If you cannot attend the event for which you have registered, please cancel your registration no later than seven business day prior to the course start. If you fail to notify us of your cancellation in a timely fashion, you will be charged for the course costs.

Fapiao (VAT Invoice)

Apply fapiao when purchasing a ticket, by inputting the Chinese entity name and tax ID (if the title is wrong, you will be unable to receive the Fapaio). Make sure your IT has whitelisted the domain "​. E-Fapiao will be sent to your e-mail within 7 days after completed event (check spam folder). If the fapiao can not be received, please provide an alternative email or contact



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Corporate Gold Partners

A special thanks to our Corporate Gold Partners for supporting the Swedish business community in China.

Corporate Silver Partners

A special thanks to our Corporate Silver Partners for supporting the Swedish business community in China.

