Are these challenges familiar to you?
Celemi Agile Move™ addresses a number of workplace challenges for participants to explore and develop an agile mindset. This virtual simulation helps your people discover the benefits of agile principles and learn to apply them to their daily work processes. Meanwhile, people learn to quickly adapt and respond to changing market conditions.
Who should attend?
Professionals who want to understand and adopt agile principles at work.
About the Facilitator - Monica Fang
Monica has over 15 years of working experience in fields of training, Learning & Development, and Sales & Marketing.
She has spent her most years with multi-national businesses taking both corporate and consulting responsibilities, almost 14 years with Celemi.
Her bilingual ability and working experiences with Asia Pacific clients enable her to present courses fluently in both English and Chinese.
Only 15 spots! First come, first serve!
Deadline of the registration is 12:00PM on March 10th.
在线商业模拟培训: 应对变化,敏捷制胜 (中文讲解)
虽然并没有100%正确的解决方案,但是通过使用Celemi Agile Move™——一个在线商业模拟课程,可以帮助员工发现敏捷原则的优势,学习如何将敏捷原则运用于每一天的工作流程中,从而快速适应不断变化的市场环境,保持领先。
Monica Fang是Celemi亚太中国初创成员之一,有着超过15年培训领域的经验。她的客户遍布亚太区各行各业,既有传统跨国500强公司,也有新兴科技企业, 旨力于帮助其员工提高商业技能。
Event Details:
Date: Friday, March 13
Time: 14:00-16:00
Venue: Webinar / All over the world
Member price: 99RMB/person
Non member price: 299RMB/person
Max. attendees: Only 15 spots (One from each company member)
Language: In Chinese 中文
Thank you to Celemi for offering this on-line training opportunity to our members.