Swedcham's Weekly China News Flash Is a collaboration between the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China and the security consultancy PSU China.
The purpose is to offer SwedCham members a regular, valuable and time-efficient update on the situation in China. The webinar will be short and time-efficient, focusing on the following areas;
Special guest of this week: Frédéric Cho, Vice President Sweden-China Trade Council and Founder Frédéric Cho Advisory AB. Frédéric Cho first visited China in 1980. In 1982-84 he studied at Beijing University and was a postgraduate in Chinese studies at Stockholm university until 1986 when he embarked on a business career. He is the only person in the Nordic region having work in all fields of China's financial sector (banking, insurance and investment banking) but also in life science and media and lived and worked for 18 years in Beijing, Wuxi, Shanghai, Taipei and Hong Kong. Frédéric Cho Advisory AB focuses on strategic advisory related to investments and business development in both directions the Nordic region Frédéric is also a Member of Team Sweden China of the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
These News Flash Webinars will be only 30 minutes long, every Friday. The Webinars are free for Members.
CEO & Founder / Chairman of PSU (China) Consulting Co., Ltd. / SwedCham China
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General Manager at The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China
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