Waste Is An Old Fashioned Concept!
"About64,500 neighbourhoods, restaurants, hotels, shopping malls, supermarkets and scenic spots were inspected last month and more than 9,900 were found to have not strictly followed the garbage sorting regulations", according to Xinhua News.
Following Shanghai, garbage sorting in Beijing has become another hot topic on our daily TV News starting from May 1, 2020 amid the COVID-19 epidemic. With the city's household waste regulation taking effect, Beijing requires people to classify household waste into four categories: kitchen, recyclable, hazardous and other waste. The local government put great efforts to cultivate the habit of garbage classification to contribute to a sustainable environment to live and develop green economy.
The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China is delighted to invite you to a webinar with Jet Chang, Vice President of Business Development at Tomra who will share his rich experience and thoughts on how this policy will have a great impact on business from different industries and why companies have to make recyclable design and how to do it?
This webinar will cover:
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About the speaker
Jet Chang joined TOMRA in Oct 2017 and has been responsible for circular economy business development in China. Before that, he worked 8 years for several international and domestic companies in the environment industry such as Haldor Topsoe China, Poten Environment and Derun Environment (a joint venture by Suez and Chongqing Water Assets Management Co.). From 2004-2011, he also served as senior commercial officer at the Embassy of Denmark in China for 7 years. Since 2019, he has also been the national chair of the environment working group of the EUCCC. Jet holds two master's degrees from the Northwestern Polytechnic University and Nanyang Technological University, respectively.
常新杰先生现任陶朗集团循环经济业务副总裁, 欧盟中国商会环境工作组主席(兼):常新杰于2017年加入全球收集与分选行业的领导企业-挪威陶朗集团。他拥有15年以上的环保行业从业经验,曾先后服务于丹麦驻华大使馆商务处,丹麦托普索集团,博天环境集团,德润环境等中外行业领先企业。在陶朗集团,他主要负责循环经济业务开发,重点关注塑料,尤其是消费后塑料包装,从收集,分选,再生加工与循环利用的闭环循环体系构建,也曾多次受邀在固废资源化与循环经济相关行业会议发表重要演讲。自2019年3月以来,他同时兼任欧盟中国商会(EUCCC)环境工作组主席。常新杰拥有南洋理工大学工程硕士学位以及西北工业大学工学硕士学位。