中国瑞典商会联合R&G GLOBAL CONSULTANTS 推出中文网络课程:《通过QSR矩阵系数评估实现全球供应链的重组与成本优化》。
此网络课程会以中文授课。(English Text Below)
随着新冠肺炎向世界的扩撒,疫情已波及全球经济,其中,影响最为明显的是制造业,并由此引发的全球供应链问题也越发复杂。根据数据预测,这场危机的严重程度将导致一段时期内全球的供应链都可能处于"高度中断"状态,许多公司慌乱地确定哪些"隐形"下级供应商(也就是与它们没有直接交易的供应商)位于疫情地区,更凸显了过度集中和不透明的供应链所带来的问题。至此,许多跨国公司都发现了自身供应链中隐藏的弱点,这些弱点直接影响并导致收入和市值上的损失。这些势必引发企业对全球供应链的重组和对供应商成本优化与管理的关注和思考。在此,R&G Global Consultants依据多年从事全球供应链管理和改进的经验,我们为国际的制造和跨国贸易采购企业提供一种成熟的解决方案—QSR矩阵系数评估。
1) 资产利用率的管理与领导利润
2) 新产品/产品/服务开发控制
3) 供应商(内外部)管理和采购成本控制
4) 生产系统的运行与稳定性控制
5) 数据的分析与应用
6) 解决问题的方法
7) 质量测量与设备利用率及效率的控制
8) 人力资源的管理发展
9) 客户满意度评估
Schedule 课程安排:
Time 时间: 5-7 PM
Venue 地点: 网络课程, 任何地点都可参加 Webinar, all over the world
QSR矩阵系数评估是摩托罗拉公司于1981年启动的"高质量意识"(Great Quality Awakening)计划中专注于实现质量与客户完全满意目标的一项重要方法和工具,以评估公司中每一个事业部及供应商的质量/管理系统的成熟度。公司所制定的目标是与供应商实现的每一笔交易均出自全面质量、低成本、可持续改进的运营系统中。以确保产品,制造过程及服务皆可完全满足顾客需求的整体计划。1988年,摩托罗拉将内部QSR做了修正后将其列入了"供应商质量保证计划一般规范",此后,QSR的执行显著的强化和促进了供应商链系统的改进和完善,使供应商的整个组织得以日复一日持续地专注于质量与成本之上, 并在管理上逐步成为与摩托罗拉对等的合作伙伴。QSR的执行巩固了摩托罗拉作为在产品和服务达到世界级标准的企业。
R&G Global Consultants的咨询专家庄文浩博士,曾任摩托罗拉大中华地区的质量与客户服务总监,此次将利用5期视频会议的时间为大家详细、系统性地介绍和讲解QSR这9个子系统的设计、策划与具体实施。这将会在疫情影响之下由于经济衰退对供应链造成的失调和挑战提供一套积极、有效的解决方案。
庄文浩(Chong BoonHow)博士,荷兰R&G咨询公司合伙人及高级咨询顾问。从事跨国制造企业高层管理工作近三十余年,曾先后任索尼公司质量经理,宏碁电脑马来西亚首任质量总监,惠普(马来西亚)客户服务总监、摩托罗拉大中华区质量与战略发展总监,以色列VocalTec公司中国首席代表兼副总裁,美国康和电子全球质量副总裁等职。之后从事制造业改进咨询工作十八年。从2007年开始,庄博士受瑞典宜家之邀,作为宜家中国的质量顾问,主导并推动了宜家中国的供应商发展项目—SDP,对近100家供应商进行了质量评估并成功地改进了供应商的质量管理/控制系统,通过"质量持续改进项目(CQI)",优化运营成本,显著降低了低质量成本(COPQ),以将其制造管理提升到较高的边缘合格/合格的水平,运营成本大幅度降低,赢利能力得以提升。庄博士在制造业管理方面具备丰富、全面的管理经验与实践能力,在带动和促进制造管理变革、成本持续改进方面成绩斐然。
In the challenging period of COVID 19, many countries are in either full Lock down or semi-lock down. As such, the shut down or partial closure of factories have resulted in a severe breakdown in Global Supply Chain with escalating material cost & severe reduction of customer orders & demands. It is critical for many business enterprise to take positive steps to review & reconsider their Supply Chain Strategy.
The Webinars will be given in Chinese.
The webinars will address these most concerned questions:
The courses will be especially beneficial for:
The QSR approach will be assessed in 9 major areas namely:
1. Leadership with Profitability through Optimized Assets Utilization
2. New Product/Service Development & Control
3. Supplier Management & Purchase Cost Control
4. Production Process & Stable Ops System
5. Data Analysis & Application
6. Problem Solving Methodology
7. Quality Measurement & Equipment Utilization and Efficiency
8. Human Resource Management
9. Customer Satisfaction Assessment
QSR represents "QUALITY SUPPLY CHAIN REINFORCEMENT" originated from Motorola Corp in 1981 to promote the concept of GREAT QUALITY AWARENESS. The main objective of implementing such a QSR system modified from its original purpose of creating a stronger sense of Quality Awareness to achieve Total Customer Satisfaction (TCS). The use of specific assessment tools to determine the level of maturity of the CUSTOMER SATISFACTION performance in 9 major sections. Later, the QSR system was customize to apply for the Suppliers in order to reinforce, enhance & cost optimize their Supply Chain System. Today, we further customize the QSR system to help the Manufacturers to apply it onto their Supply Chain system during this critical post COVID 19 shutdown & restart period so that we can help enhance, rebuild and cost optimize your Supply Chain System. By doing so, we will help revitalize our Key Suppliers plus the sub-supplier at the hidden level of supply so they can survive this challenging period by taking preventive steps to improve its cost & increase Customer Satisfaction.
The R&G Global Consultant , Dr BH Chong, Managing Partner (Previously Director of Quality & Customer Satisfaction of Motorola Electronics Company) shall be your Key Host for the above Webinar. There will be a total of 5 sessions (Each session will last for 2 hours) to cover the entire QRS system for Supply Chain Rebuild, Enhance & Cost Optimization.
R&G GLOBAL CONSULTANTS has many years of experience in Supply chain Improvement & Optimization, they are providing herewith a very useful QSR Matrix Approach to help Global Trading & Procurement Companies, and Manufacturing Companies & Suppliers a one stop solution to Rebuild, Enhance & Cost Optimizing the Supply Chain.
Time: 5-7 PM
Venue : Webinar, all over the world
Price: For each session: Swedish Chamber 350RMB, Non-member 500RMB
For 5 sessions: Swedish Chamber 1500RMB, Non-member 2300RMB
About The Instructor Dr.Chong Boon How
Dr. Chong is the Managing Partner for R&G Greater China.
Formerly Director of Quality at Motorola & HP. His expertise includes Six Sigma, Stable Ops, Lean Production, Emotional Intelligence & Financial business analysis, Total Quality Management, & Change Management. He is a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt and an experienced NLP coach & BSI certified Lead Assessor & Toyota Production System(TPS) & Shingo Lean Audit trainer.
As the Quality Consultant for IKEA China, championed the SDP (Supplier Development Pgm) for 100 key suppliers in China. He successfully conducted Quality Assessment & improvised IKEA's suppliers Quality Control System and implemented the COPQ (Cost of Poor Quality) system in key suppliers to optimize their Manufacturing Cost to a their lowest possible level. Boon How holds a degree in Chemistry, Masters degree in Business Administration (MBA), and PhD. in Psychology.
Industry Experience
Project Experience
Member Price
April 15: Leadership with Profitability
April 22: New Product Development & QA
April 29: Supplier Management & COPQ
May 6: Stable Operations System & Data Analysis, Measurement Equipments
May 13: HR, Customer Satisfaction & Problem Solving
Standard Price
One ticket for one session. Please contact us on which one you want to attend.
Standard Price
April 15: Leadership with Profitability
April 22: New Product Development & QA
April 29: Supplier Management & COPQ
May 6: Stable Operations System & Data Analysis, Measurement Equipments
May 13: HR, Customer Satisfaction & Problem Solving
Standard Price
One ticket for one session. Please contact us on which one you want to attend.
Standard Price
April 15: Leadership with Profitability
April 22: New Product Development & QA
April 29: Supplier Management & COPQ
May 6: Stable Operations System & Data Analysis, Measurement Equipments
May 13: HR, Customer Satisfaction & Problem Solving
Standard Price
One ticket for one session. Please contact us on which one you want to attend.
Standard Price
April 15: Leadership with Profitability
April 22: New Product Development & QA
April 29: Supplier Management & COPQ
May 6: Stable Operations System & Data Analysis, Measurement Equipments
May 13: HR, Customer Satisfaction & Problem Solving
Standard Price
One ticket for one session. Please contact us on which one you want to attend.
Standard Price
April 15: Leadership with Profitability
April 22: New Product Development & QA
April 29: Supplier Management & COPQ
May 6: Stable Operations System & Data Analysis, Measurement Equipments
May 13: HR, Customer Satisfaction & Problem Solving
Standard Price
One ticket for one session. Please contact us on which one you want to attend.