Senior Project Manager, Water treatment Business development, Development of Environmental Technologies at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute
Example of projects last 5 years
NextGen, a more circular approach with water at its centre, by demonstrating innovative technological, business and governance solutions and services anchored upon 10 high-profile, large-scale cases across Europe and by developing the necessary approaches, partnerships and tools to transfer and upscale 2017-2021
R3Water, Demonstration of innovative solutions for Reuse of water, Recovery of valuable substances and Resource efficiency in urban wastewater treatment EU-project 2014-2017
Demonstration on how innovative technology solutions from European companies will turn today´s plants for municipal waste water treatment into production plants for safe, reused water, energy, and products with direct markets.
ENSOCIO-LA: Strategic, Sustainable R&I Cooperation with Latin America, EU-project 2014-2016Climate Action, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials).
Established sustainable and integrated research and innovation cooperation between the EU and Latin American Countries in the environmental field (climate change, resource efficiency and raw materials); ENSOCIO-LA improved dissemination and the exploitation of research results in this area by different user groups through networking and twinning of existing multilateral and bilateral projects funded by different sources, and by efficient interaction schemes between science, industry and users and the joint elaboration of future research priorities and joint activities
SwedBraz: Project for establishment of a network for innovative waste and water saving systems between Sweden and Brazil 2014-2016
The aim of the project was to build a strong knowledge for innovative waste and water saving systems based cooperation between Swedish and Brazilian institutes/universities/companies/authorities.
Miware, MineWater as a resource, EU-South Africa project, Kic-Raw material, Cluster project.
The project developed and demonstrated robust solutions for mine waste waters a voluminous waste water flow with wide ecological effects. The focus was to develope solutions for acidic metal-laden waste waters with a focus on recovery of the valuable metals with new methods. The project provided robust economic solutions that are applicable world-wide in variable conditions.
REQO, Resource Efficient Quality Optimization in the Phosphating Process, Co-financed national project with
Volvo AB 2017-2019
The aim of the project is to develop and evaluate data modelling for the relation process parameters and product quality. This knowledge based process control in combination with on-line monitoring will enable the introduction of recovery of chemicals in high performing processes.
Inspirewater EU-project SPIRE-01-2016 Call Identifier H2020-IND-CE-2016-17 2016-2020
Inspirewater demonstrates a holistic approach for water management in the process industry using innovative technology solutions from European companies to increase water and resource efficiency in the process industry. This will put Europe as a leader on the world market for segments in industrial water treatment which will create new high skilled jobs in Europe.