Swedcham's China News Flash Is a collaboration between the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China and the security consultancy PSU China.
This Webinar will be conducted on our platform KUDO*! KUDO makes it possible for our audiences to switch languages between English and Chinese with a simple click in the meeting room.
The purpose is to offer SwedCham members a regular, valuable and time-efficient update on the situation in China. The webinar will be short and time-efficient, focusing on the following areas:
· Current situation covid-19, China
· Border entry and quarantine,
· Travels within China, provincial update on restrictions
· Analysis of the week, key recommendations
· Special guest. Weekly guest focusing on finance, politics, logistics and commerce.
Special guest of the month: Ola Johansson, Councelor of Cultural Affairs, Embassy of Sweden in Beijing
This monthly webinar will be 30 minutes long and is free for members.
*"KUDO is a multilingual meeting SaaS company built around a B2B managed marketplace powered by the largest network of on-demand conference interpreters. Accessible from anywhere, on any device, KUDO redefines possibilities in global communication."
First time KUDO user? Click the links below to read the attendance instructions!