Want to know how e-commerce environment is shaped in China? How to more efficiently & effectively do e-marketing in Chinese market?
The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China welcomes you to join this company tour in central Shanghai city where we will visit China's leading lifestyle platform: Xiaohongshu (小红书), Great opportunity for international companies and brands who would like to learn about e-commerce and marketing in China.
Don't miss out on this great on-site learning experience and sign up now to secure your spot (limited tickets, first come first serve).
This event is a part of SwedCham E-commerce Network Group event series that lead by Helena Svensson, Founder at Empress Consulting AB, Simon Cai, CEO at Triple Digit, this platform allows members to learn and discuss e-commerce related matters in China. The purpose is to educate and share Chinese e-commerce experiences within Swedish companies and deep dive into various topics and hands-on challenges. Each meeting will focus on one key topic related to running a successful e-commerce business. We will also cover new opportunities and trends that will help Swedish brands to grow in China. We aim to keep the discussions informal and allow for interactive discussions between members. To know more about SwedCham Network Groups, kindly visit: https://www.swedcham.cn/networks/
About Xiaohongshu/关于小红书:
With a mission to "inspire lives", Xiaohongshu is a lifestyle platform that inspires people to discover and connect with a range of diverse lifestyles. It has been described as "China's answer to Instagram". The app allows users and influencers to post, discover and share product reviews, most frequently related to beauty and health. Travel bloggers are also known to regularly post content regarding tourism and leisure destinations on the platform. Xiaohongshu also operates RED Mall, which sells international products to Chinese users.
小红书由毛文超和瞿芳于2013年在上海创立。以"Inspire Lives 分享和发现世界的精彩"为使命,"真诚分享、友好互动"为价值观,小红书鼓励用户通过短视频、图文、直播等形式记录生活,分享生活方式,并基于兴趣互动形成社区。以此为基础,小红书平台上涌现出内容与商业之间不断流转的良性交互,成长出独具特色的"种草经济"。
2017年12月,小红书和华为等优秀公司一起,被《人民日报》评为代表中国消费科技产业的"中国品牌奖"。2019年2月,小红书入选快公司Fast Company"最具创新力企业"排行榜。2020年,小红书获上海市委宣传部颁发的"上海文化企业十佳"。
From the tour, you will have opportunity to:
Agenda 议程
16:30 - 17:00: Check In & Mingle 签到&社交
17:00 - 17:30: Guided tour at Xiaohongshu HQ 小红书总部参观
17:30 - 18:15: Company Presentation of Xiaohongshu 小红书介绍演讲
18:15 - 19:00: Q&A & Networking 问答&交流
图奇, 讲师
Building C, SOHO Fuxing Plaza, No. 388 Madang Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai
上海市 黄浦区 马当路388号 SOHO复兴广场C座
Chinese/ 中文
150 RMB for SwedCham Members (瑞典商会会员价)
225 RMB for Non-members (非会员价)
Cancellation Policy
If you cannot attend a factory tour for which you have registered, please cancel your registration no later than three business days prior to the event. If you fail to notify us of your cancellation in a timely fashion, you will be charged for the event costs.
Fapiao (VAT Invoice)
Apply fapiao when purchasing a ticket and e-fapiao will be sent to your e-mail within 7 days of completed event. We recommend you to whitelist the domain "XX@hlzrkj.xyz" to ensure smooth arrival. Please check spam folder as well.
Fapiao title should be company's name in Chinese). If the fapiao can not be received, please provide an alternative email for receipt.
For inquiries related to fapiao, please email finance@swedcham.cn.