Welcome to the first 1st Joint Nordic Chamber Event
We would like to share our experiences and help leadership and all employees across procurement, supply chain and adjacent functions to better understand the key considerations of an efficient corporate compliance program, the differences and discrepancies between parent company and China compliance and what should be borne in mind when procuring from Chinese companies.
European companies doing business in China encounter local perspectives and assumptions that make adherence to corporate compliance programs an ever evolving and challenging effort. Because of a highly competitive and culturally different operating environment, ensuring adherence to corporate ethics and compliance policies remains a key concern and challenge for European companies purchasing from China. Practices that are normally considered unacceptable in Europe may not only be allowed in China, but may even be strongly encouraged by local cultural conventions. Such practices are especially manifested in the function of procurement. Developing internal practices that take these norms into consideration while protecting a company's legal obligations and reputation is a difficult process that requires balancing strongly competing interests.
Key topics that will be included in the presentation include:
· Typical risk factors in terms of procurement compliance
· Anti-corruption legal framework and tax laws in China
· Recent enforcement activity against bribery in China
· Common fact patterns
· Mitigation and prevention measures, compliance training and
monitoring techniques
· Possible scenario and Best practices
This Joint Nordic Chamber Event is the 1st of a series of 3 events related to Supply Chain Management.
2nd Event: February 21
3rd Event: March 21