The Danish, Swedish and Finnish Chambers of Commerce in Shanghai are proud to offer Emerging Leaders Training with some of the leading talent management consulting companies in Europe & Asia.
The whole program is targeting emerging or middle management staff from our member companies. The program has 3 modules, and the 3 modules are taught in Chinese over 3 months. Each module is a half day training in the morning. After completing all three modules, the participant will get an official certificate issued by the chambers and the facilitators.
There are 25 seats available. The sign up is on an individual basis. Certification is only achieved, when the same person participates in all three modules.
Price for per program including training materials and catering is 3,500. The Nordic chambers are operating this activity on a non-profit basis. The fee of 3,500.00 RMB is fixed and non-refundable regardless of actually attended modules. If for some reason we have cancellations for specific modules, the extra space will be offered as a stand-alone training session at a price of 1,300 RMB.
Module 1: Assertiveness and Accountability
Facilitator: CONCHIUS
Time: September 3rd 2020, 9.00 - 12.30
Venue: Radisson Blu Hotel Shanghai New World
The general objective for this module is to facilitate a better understanding amongst the Chinese working in Nordic companies in China of the importance of being assertive and accountable in the workplace. Target is to provide the participants with effective – and cultural appropriate – tools for Chinese to communicate with their Western managers in a more direct way (from a Western point of view assertive and accountable way).
Module 2: Working Effectively: Focus on Nordic Cultures
Facilitator: Emily Cai
Time: September 24th 2020, 9.00 - 12.30
Venue: Radisson Blu Hotel Shanghai New World
All cultural understanding begins with self-understanding. Basic and off-course you might think, but how competent are you actually in explaining what you define as "normal and typical"? And how often do you explore the cultural self-understanding of your Nordic colleagues? on etc. when working with people from the Nordic cultures?
In this dynamic and interactive global mindset workshop we raise the awareness of your cultural self-understanding, give you valid knowledge about the Nordic culture, leadership and working style as well as give you input on how to use very practical and easy-to-use cultural tools to improve your cross-cultural communication and collaboration.
Module 3: Leading Yourself
Facilitator: BIetB
Time: November 10th 2020, 9.00 - 12.30
Venue: Radisson Blu Hotel Shanghai New World
Aristotle said "Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom". The better one can connect with him/herself, the better one can connect with others and with business. Self awareness is the foundation of authentic leadership. It allows leaders to lead by their value, strengths and talents. The journey starts with reflecting one's own life.
Through a half-day workshop, participants not only have an opportunity to review their core value and strengths but also work on their leadership brand and vision. Of all which will facilitate their continuous leadership development path.