Tantan was founded in September 2014 by the Swedish-Chinese couple Yu Wang and Sophia Pan, who met while studying in Stockholm. Today Tantan is the leading dating app in China and to date Tantan has helped users make over 10 billion matches. In the second quarter of 2018 Chinese social media network Momo acquired its rival for USD 735 million in cash and a stock swap. But how did everything start and what is the secret recipe for success? And how has internet entrepreneurship changed in China since the start in 2014 and where is Tantan heading next?
Speaker Bio
Yu Wang, Co-founder and CEO of Tantan, China's leading dating app, serial entrepreneur. Born in Beijing and grew up in Sweden. Studied for two master's degrees in computer science and industrial economics. Yu moved back to China in 2007 to start his first business P1, a fashion community. In the year 2014, he co-founded Tantan.
Event Details:
When: Wednesday, March 20 18:30-20:30
Where: SwedCham office, JinShang Building
Address: 2nd Floor, 20 Xinyuanli West, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Price: 150 Members, 300 Non Members (including 2 drinks and snacks)