This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China events.

In order to provide you with the latest updates and the opportunity for you to ask questions about the Chinese Green Card, we have invited Sarah Qin, CEO and chief consultant at Easy Business Solutions, to interpret the new policies and the impact these changes will have for the applicant.

The permanent resident permit issued to the foreigners by China was first introduced in 2004 and in 2016 the number of Chinese "Green Card" holders had passed the 10,000 mark. In recent years the application process to obtain the 'Foreigner's Permanent Resident Identity Card (FPRID) has been eased by streamlining procedures and lowering the threshold for applicants. However, this is still a concept that feels off limits for many expats.

The key benefit of having a FPRID is the ability to stay in China for a 10-year time period and permit the holder to enter and leave the country without any visa requirements. In addition, the new FPRIDs now hold functions such as: transactions relating to finance, healthcare, education, transport, telecommunications, tax, social security, property registration, and legal services. This further simplifies the life of an expat compared to the previous generation of PR Cards.


08:45 – 09:00 Registration and mingle

09:00 – 9:45 Presentation by Sarah Qin, chief consultant, Easy Business Solutions

09:45 – 10:00 Q&A

Event Details:

When: Tuesday, May 7, 08:45-10:00

Where: SwedCham's office, Jinshang building

Address: 2nd Floor, 20 Xinyuanli West, Chaoyang District / 北京市朝阳区新源里西20号2层226

Language: English

Price: 150 Members, 250 Non Members (Coffee and pastry included)

This is a Nordic event organised together with Danish Chamber of Commerce, Norwegian Business Association and Finnish Business Council in Beijing.








Sarah Qin







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Dragon Partners

A special thanks to our Dragon Partners for supporting the Swedish business community in China.
