As urban centers continue to grow, the need for efficient and sustainable waste management solutions becomes increasingly crucial.
On 8 March, the SwedCham China has the privilege of inviting our members to an exclusive on-site tour in Beijing Tongzhou district hosted by Envac AB, a leading global provider of sustainable waste management solutions. This tour will provide a unique opportunity to gain insights into Envac's innovative systems and witness firsthand the positive impact they have on creating cleaner and more efficient urban environments. The visiting group will visit the Beijing Urban Vice Center Canal Business District Pneumatic Vacuum Pipe Garbage Collection System Project (北京城市副中心运河商务区气动真空管道垃圾收集系统项目), a groundbreaking initiative aimed at revolutionizing waste management in one of Beijing's most prominent business districts.
You will also meet with the high management team at Envac AB and it presents an excellent networking opportunity with industry leaders and experts. Welcome to join us for the tour.
This is a Member Only event.
Introduction of Beijing Urban Vice Center Canal Business District Pneumatic Vacuum
Pipe Garbage Collection System Project
北京城市副中心运河商务区是在北京市政府以及北京新城管委会指导下,由恩华特参与建设的核心战略引擎区。核心区占地面积306 万平方米,建设用地110 公顷,地下空间约210 万平方米,以"低碳、节能、环保、亲水"等特征为设计亮点。其中,低碳环保的恩华特"气力垃圾收集系统"是地下空间项目建设中的核心部分。该系统自2017 年投入使用以来一直运行良好,吸引了多批考察团,并且受到了北京卫视等多家媒体的赞誉。
The Canal Business District of Beijing Sub City Center is a core strategic engine area that Envac is involved in, under the guidance of the Beijing Municipal Government and the Beijing New City Administrative Committee. The core area covers an area of 3.06 million square meters, with 110 hectares of land for construction and 2.1 million square meters of underground space, and is designed with the features of "low-carbon, energy-saving, environmental protection, and hydrophilic" as the design highlights. The low-carbon and environmentally friendly Envac "pneumatic waste collection system" is a core part of the underground space project. The system has been running well since it was put into use in 2017, and it has attracted a number of inspection groups and been praised by Beijing Satellite TV and other media.
除了先进的技术,该系统也嵌入了数字化自控系统、高效变频动力系统、大型垃圾压实系统、等离子除 臭系统等相关设备。全套系统都是采用自动化运行模式,系统运行操作人员只需要在控制室即可监控所有设备的运行状态,并完成系统操作运行工作。
In addition to advanced technology, the system is also embedded with digital automatic control system, high efficiency variable frequency power system, large waste compaction system, plasma deodorization system and other related equipment. The whole system adopts the automation operation mode, and the system operator only needs to be in the control room to monitor the operation status of all the equipments and complete the system operation work.
By using the Envac system, the Beijing Sub City Center:
Event Info
Date: 8 March, 2024 (Friday)
Time: 16:00 - 18:00
15:00 - 16:00 Bus departure from Liangmaqiao Subway Line 10
16:00 - 16: 10 Welcome speech by Joakim Karlsson
16:10 - 16:30 Envac Presentation by Aiying Wang
16:30 - 16:50 Project introduction by Yuhui Sun
16:50 - 17:20 Q&A and Mingle
17:20 -18:00 Visiting Envac Project
18:00 Tour ends and bus departure to Liangmaqiao Subway Line 10
225 RMB/ Member only ( Including round way bus)
In English & 中文
Mr. Joakim Karlsson, President & CEO, Envac AB
Ms. Aiying Wang, President & CEO, Greater China, SEA & India, Envac AB
Mr. Yuhui Sun, Vice President, Greater China, Envac BJ/TJ
Envac VIP Guests
Mr. Kent Norlenius, Chief Technology Officer, Envac AB
Ms. Eva Granljung, Chief Financial Officer, Envac AB
Ms. Sara Arrhenius, Chief Marketing Officer, Envac AB
北京市通州区盐滩路与北环环隧交叉口东南140米, 恩华特气动真空管道垃圾收集系统项目地(世界侨商中心对面)
140 meters southeast of the intersection of Yantan Road and North Ring Tunnel, Tongzhou District, Beijing
Bus Transportation
The information will be provided to the registered participants via email two (2) days before the tour starts
About Envac AB 恩华特
瑞典 Envac AB(恩华特)集团作为全球自动垃圾收集领域的发明者和领导者,自 1961 年发明全世界第一套真空垃圾收集系统并应用在瑞典奈索克市(Sollefteå)医院,恩华特智能垃圾收集系统已遍布全球各地,广泛应用于住宅、商业、办公、城市中心、厨房、医院和机场等地。在过去的 60 年中, 恩华特集团在全球安装超过 1200 套大型智能垃圾收集系统,每天为数以百万计的居民和用户提供服务。恩华特通过不断创新,提供更环保、更便于资源回收的技术,助力于建设更智能、更可持续的城市。
Envac is the global market leader in the automated waste collection industry. Since the invention of the world's first pneumatic waste collection system in 1961 and its application in sollefteå hospital, Sweden, Envac AWCS has been widely used in residential, commercial, office, cities, kitchen, hospital and airport all over the world. Envac Group has installed 1200+ systems globally serving millions of residences and end-users. We help create smarter and more sustainable cities by providing environmentally friendly systems for efficient resource recovery.
恩华特总部位于瑞典斯德哥尔摩,在欧洲、中东、亚洲和北美的20个国家设有35个办事处。恩华特是Stena Adactum AB公司的全资子公司,是瑞典最大的家族企业Stena Sphere成员之一,该公司去年总盈利达到了931亿瑞典克朗,回收。Envac AB, with head office in Stockholm, Sweden, have 35 offices in 20 countries in Europe, the Middle East, Asia and North America. Envac is a fully-owned subsidiary of Stena Adactum AB, a company in the Stena Sphere, Sweden, which had total revenues of SEK 93 billion last year.
瑞典恩华特集团于1983年在香港成立分公司,正式进军亚洲市场,并于2003年进入中国内地市场。国内承揽了多个大型真空垃圾/污物收集系统工程,在建和已投入运行的项目案例超过 70 个,包括北京通州新城、上海国际金融中心、香港科学园等新城开发及城市标杆项目,还有北京人民解放军总医院、海南肿瘤医院、苏州科技城医院等国内大型医院项目。恩华特的愿景是创建更智能的城市,提高当下的生活质量,并为子孙后代保有一个更绿色的地球。从传统的人力收集垃圾转为恩华特垃圾自动收集系统的优势显著:有效降低城市环卫收运车辆的数量和行驶公里数,可以减少多达90%的碳排放,街道环境变得更安静,垃圾处理过程更清洁、更安全。
Envac AB entered Asia marketing by establishing HongKong office in 1983 and entered Mainland China in 2003.It has contracted many large-scale vacuum waste / sewage collection system projects in China. There are more than 70 projects under construction and in operation including new town development and benchmarking projects such as Beijing Tongzhou New Town,Shanghai International Financial Center and Hongkong Science and Technology Park, and large domestic hospitals, such as Beijing People's Liberation Army General Hospital,Hainan Cancer Hospital, Suzhou science and technology city hospital etc. The vision of Envac is to create smarter cities, improve quality-of-life today, and help secure a greener planet for future generations.The immediate effects when changing from manual collection to Envac's system are that heavy traffic and emissions can be reduced by up to 90%, the street environment becomes more quiet and the waste disposal procedure cleaner and safer for the user. Occupational health and safety standards are significantly enhanced.
Read more, welcome to visit 更多内容, 欢迎访问恩华特网站
Cancellation Policy
If you cannot attend a factory tour for which you have registered, please cancel your registration no later than seven(7) business days prior to the event. If you fail to notify us of your cancellation in a timely fashion, you will be charged for the event costs.
Fapiao (VAT Invoice)
Ask your IT to whitelist the domain "". Apply fapiao when purchasing a ticket, by inputting the Chinese entity name and tax ID (if the title is wrong, you will be unable to receive the Fapaio). E-Fapiao will be sent to your e-mail within 7 days after completed event (check spam folder). If the fapiao can not be received, please provide an alternative email.
For inquiries related to fapiao, please email
President & CEO, Greater China, SEA & India of Envac AB (A Stena Subsidiary)
More Information