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Hej! Ready to take your Swedish to the next level?

SwedCham China is excited to offer our Swedish Speaking Courses (Beginner II), starting September 25th to to December 4th (Wednesdays) both online and offline in Beijing. Led by an experienced instructor with deep cultural expertise, this 10-week program is perfect for those who have completed a beginner's course or already have basic Swedish knowledge. The teaching language will be in Chinese.

Ms. Zhuyongmei currently is a lecturer in the school of continuing education at Beijing Foreign Studies University. Ms. Zhu was a graduate Swedish major from Beijing Foreign Studies University and worked in the Department of Western Europe and Northern Europe of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. During her tenure in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, she was the third secretary of the Chinese Embassy in Sweden. She was responsible for the investigation of Swedish politics, economy, and society. Ms. Zhu has a deep understanding of Sweden's national conditions, policies, and rules.

You can choose to learn Swedish online through many channels nowadays, but you will gain much more added value by studying on your own in our emmersive class. Ms. Zhu will pay the most emphasis on practical usage of Speaking Swedish which you can use to start the small talk at ease in everyday and workplace scenarios.

What you will get from the courses

  • Improve basic daily conversations covering selected topics
  • Learn general knowledge of Sweden, Swedish culture, and customsfrom invited speakers
  • Gain confidence speaking Swedish in everyday and professional settings through interactive lessons and practical conversational practice
  • Expand your network with classmates and SwedCham
  • Bring a closer relationship with Swedish clients/managers/friends with confidence and strength at Swedish working environment
  • a certificate letter issued by SwedCham, adding CV skills.

Don't miss your chance to advance your Swedish skills.


Welcome to read more introduction in Chinese below.

欢迎阅读以下中文介绍, 此瑞典语课程教学语言为中文。


1. 掌握瑞典语的基础词汇和常用表达方式。

2. 理解瑞典语的基本语法规则并能够熟练运用。

3. 能够自信地进行简单的日常对话,如预订酒店、购买车票、参加聚会等。

4. 增进对瑞典国家文化、历史、地缘政治等方面的了解,提高跨文化交流能力。







- 学习基本问候语和自我介绍。

- 掌握瑞典语中的基础词汇,如数字、颜色、家庭成员等。

- 练习常见场景下的简单对话。


- 学习在瑞典日常生活中的基础交流用语,如购物、点餐、看医生等。

- 深入了解瑞典的日常生活习惯和文化特点。


- 学习旅行中预订酒店、购买车票、问路等实用表达。

- 了解瑞典的著名景点和旅游文化。


- 学习参加瑞典朋友聚会、庆祝活动等社交场合的用语。

- 掌握瑞典的社交礼仪和习俗。


- 讲解并掌握瑞典语的基本语法规则,如名词性别、冠词变化等。

- 通过例句和练习加深理解,提高语法应用能力。



1. 互动式教学法:通过问答、角色扮演、小组讨论等方式,鼓励学员积极参与。

2. 情景模拟法:模拟真实场景,让学员在模拟的环境中实践所学。

3. 文化导入法:结合瑞典国家文化,加深学员对语言背后文化的理解。




1. 《新经典瑞典语综合教程》1、2册

2. 教师自选教材

3. 辅助音频和视频材料

4. 瑞典文化和历史背景资料



1. 按时参加课程,认真听讲。

2. 积极参与课堂互动和练习。

3. 课后复习所学内容,巩固知识。

4. 遵守课堂纪律,尊重教师和同学。

Course details

Date: September 25th to December 4th


Oct. 9th, 16th, 23th,30th;

Nov.6th, 13th, 20th, 27th

Dec. 4th

( 10 times; Every Wednesdays)






Time 时间

19:00 - 20: 30 (90 minutes each time)

Price 费用

Member Price/ YP Discount Pass: RMB 3500/person

Non-member: RMB 5250/person

Online Venue 线上平台

Microsoft Teams Meeting link

Offline Venue 线下地点

Room 230, No. 20, Xinyuanlixi, JinShangYuan, Chaoyang District, Beijing


Teacher 教师

Ms. Zhuyongmei, a lecturer in the school of continuing education at Beijing Foreign Studies University

Teaching Language

In Chinese 中文讲解

Course capacity: Min. 5 participants to open the course and up to Max. 10 participants.

Cancellation Policy

If you cannot attend a course for which you have registered, please cancel your registration no later than seven (7) business day prior to the course start. If you fail to notify us of your cancellation in a timely fashion, you will be charged for the course costs.

Fapiao (VAT Invoice)

Apply fapiao when purchasing a ticket, by inputting the Chinese entity name and tax ID (if the title is wrong, you will be unable to receive the Fapaio). Make sure your IT has whitelisted the domain "​. E-Fapiao will be sent to your e-mail within 7 days after completed event (check spam folder). If the fapiao can not be received, please provide an alternative email or contact

Photo Credits: Magnus Liam Karlsson/



  • Member Ticket /YP Discount Pass Holder

    RMB 3 500

    Member Price

    Buy Ticket
  • Non-member Ticket

    RMB 5 250

    Public Price

    Buy Ticket

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