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The Swedcham China is delighted to present this online half-day training on Government Affairs together with Yuan Associates. This is a chamber joint event.

线上政府事务培训: 政府关系管理"策略与实操技巧深度培训"

Please note that this training will be conducted in Chinese. 本课程为中文授课。







• 希望对自身工作技能进行系统性提高的,具有与政府事务相关经验的政府事务专员或经理。

• 需要了解如何充分全面地做好政府关系工作,有效地与政府部门沟通企业诉求,从而帮助达成业务目标的人士。

课程大纲 (培训时间占比):

1. 确定重要的政府部门利益相关方(13%)

1) 中国政府在经济活动中的角色

2) 中国政府的构成

3) 制作利益相关方关系图

4) 政府机构间的关系

5) 矩阵式的沟通渠道

2. 政府事务相关活动的参与分析(9%)

6) 研究"活动介绍"

7) 政府部门嘉宾级别和行业权威性

8) 企业关联性

9) 内外部沟通与判断

10) 关于地方性活动

3. 制定沟通计划(8%)

11) 级别对等的政府会见

12) 沟通计划框架

13) 沟通目标与战略

4. 会前:拜会函等(20%)

14) 拜会函样本:内容与附件

15) 地方政府拜会申请

16) 拜会函的准备工作和应用建议

17) 会前简报与汇报

18) 关于沟通要点

5. 会中:沟通注意事项等(20%)

19) 政府沟通注意事项

20) 高层会见沟通原则

21) 企业工作风格对沟通的影响

22) 会见座位安排

23) 会见礼仪与流程

24) 拍照安排

25) 宴请的座次安排

26) 宴会注意事项

6. 会后:感谢函等(12%)

27) 会议纪要

28) 会见感谢函样本

29) 会后工作沟通函

30) 双赢合作

31) 官员参观考察的安排建议

7. 活动发言稿(5%)

32) 公司高层参加政府组织的论坛讲话

33) 讲话的大致结构与示例

34) 专业、有效的跨文化沟通

8. 政府关系管理原则(13%)

35) 行业特点与能力要求

36) 处理问题

37) 政府关系的管理和维护

38) 与地方政府沟通

39) 建立合作机制

Online Government Affairs Training –

Government Relations Management: In-depth Training on Strategies and Practical Skills

This course will be conducted in Chinese.

In the rapidly changing policy environment, mastering efficient government relations management strategies is the key to the steady development of enterprises. This training aims to help government affairs practitioners better manage and maintain the relationship between enterprises and government departments, fully and comprehensively carry out specific implementation work, and understand how to more effectively advocate the demands of enterprises to the government. The course will be delivered from the perspective of the work style of multinational enterprises, focus on how to find the right stakeholders, explore how to communicate specifically with the government based on win-win solutions, in order to establish the cooperation mechanism and handle related issues properly.

This course is intended to enhance the following skillsets:

Key Stakeholder Management Capability: How to define the correct key departments and achieve win-win solutions.

Establishing Relationships and Solving Problems: How to establish effective government relationships and promote the solving of issues related to business development demands.

Communication Skills: How to explain the relatively complex corporate affairs and corresponding demands, and express them clearly.

Who Should Attend?

• GA associates and managers that want to have a systematic improvement of their skillsets.

• People who need to have a better understanding of how to fully and comprehensively carry out government relations work, effectively plan for engagement and advocacy activities, and support business objectives.

Course Outline (Proportion of Training Time):

1. Identify Key Government Stakeholders (13%)

1) Role of the Chinese government in economic activities

2) Structure of the Chinese government

3) Making of the stakeholder mapping

4) Relationship between government agencies

5) Matrix communication channels

2. Participation Analysis in Government Affairs Related Activities (9%)

6) Research of the "event introduction"

7) Guest level from the government departments and authority level in the industry

8) Relevancy to the enterprise

9) Internal and external communication and judgment

10) Regarding the local engagement activities

3. Develop the Engagement Plan (8%)

11) Equal-level principle of government meetings

12) Framework of the engagement planning

13) Communication goals and strategies

4. Before the Engagement: Meeting Request & More (20%)

14) Example of the meeting request: content and appendix

15) Meeting request to the local government

16) Preparation and application suggestions of the meeting request

17) Briefing book and the pre-meeting briefing

18) Suggested talking points

5. During the Engagement: Dos and Don'ts & More (20%)

19) General dos and don'ts of the government communication

20) Communication principles during high-level meetings

21) The influence of corporate work style on communication

22) Meeting seating arrangement

23) Meeting protocols and procedures

24) Photography arrangement

25) Dinner seating arrangement

26) Dos and don'ts during the dinner

6. After the Engagement: Thank-you Letter & More (12%)

27) Meeting minutes

28) Example of thank-you letters

29) Post-meeting work communication letter

30) Win-win cooperation

31) Suggestions for arranging official visit and inspection

7. Event Speech Support (5%)

32) Senior executives attend government-organized events and deliver speeches

33) General structure and examples of speech

34) Professional and effective cross-cultural communication

8. Mindsets/ Principles of Government Relations Management (13%)

35) Industry characteristics and capability requirements

36) Issue management

37) Management and maintenance of government relations

38) Communicate with local governments

39) Establish the cooperation mechanism

Event Info

Training topic

线上政府事务培训: 政府关系管理"策略与实操技巧深度培训"

Online Government Affairs Training:

Government Relations Management: In-depth Training on Strategies and Practical Skills


21 August, 2024,



13:20-17:00 (Beijing Time)


1880 RMB for Members & YP/Individual Discount Pass Holders/会员价

2380 RMB for Non-Members/非会员价


Brent Yuan - Partner and Senior Director of Yuan Associates

袁元 — 远海鹰咨询合伙人、高级总监


In Chinese 中文授课

Online Meeting

A meeting link will be sent to the registered participants email inbox 1 day prior the event starts.


Cancellation Policy

If you cannot attend an event for which you have registered, please cancel your registration no later than Seven (7) business day prior to the event. If you fail to notify us of your cancellation in a timely fashion, you will be charged for the event costs.

Fapiao (VAT Invoice)

Apply fapiao when purchasing a ticket, by inputting the Chinese entity name and tax ID (if the title is wrong, you will be unable to receive the Fapaio). Make sure your IT has whitelisted the domain "​. E-Fapiao will be sent to your e-mail within 7 days after completed event (check spam folder). If the fapiao can not be received, please provide an alternative email or contact

Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash


  • Brent Yuan (Partner and Senior Director of Yuan Associates at Yuan Associates)

    Brent Yuan

    Partner and Senior Director of Yuan Associates at Yuan Associates

    More Information

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Corporate Gold Partners

A special thanks to our Corporate Gold Partners for supporting the Swedish business community in China.

Corporate Silver Partner

A special thanks to our Corporate Silver Partners for supporting the Swedish business community in China.



  • Member Ticket & YP/Individual Discount Pass Holders

    RMB 1 880

    Member Price

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  • Non-Member Ticket

    RMB 2 380

    Public Price

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