China has very fast become an urban country, and city living the norm for the majority of its citizens. However not all of China's cities are thriving - some are far more successful in managing urban economies and integrating populations, enhancing growth prospects and attracting additional investments and talent. Now in 2018, China has as many smart city pilots as all other countries worldwide combined. What are the characteristics of China's "smarter cities"?
The promise of new technologies in the built environment is ultimately to enhance and better the experience of living in cities. One of the highly anticipated outcomes of the advancements in digital technologies in recent years has been to make the city itself "smarter." This 'smart city' model employs technology as a strategy to optimize processes and operations, increase efficiency of systems, and monitor urban dynamics to ultimately get a precise control over the whole city.
How will we capitalize on these concepts, and do we see their effect as increased social and environmental sustainability of our built environment, or eventually leading to even more technology- centered and standardized patterns of living?
Please join us for this breakfast event to find out more about this hot and fascinating topic!
08:00-08:30 Check-in and networking breakfast
08:30-09:40 Presentations
09:40-10:00 Open Q&A session
TIME: Tuesday, November 27, at 8:00-10:00
VENUE: Four Seasons, Shanghai, 500 Weihai Rd, Jingan Qu, Shanghai Shi, China, 200041, 上海四季洒
店, 威海路500号