This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other The Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China events.

Meet with Anna Eriksson, Counsellor at the Embassy of Sweden's Migration Section in Beijing, to learn about how to apply for business visas to Sweden and bona fide status for your company in an effective way.

Recent years, the amount of issued business visas at the Embassy of Sweden in Beijing has increased drastically. Progress has been made to simplify the application process, with for instance the implementation of a fast track for ADS travel agencies, the possibility for companies to obtain a Bona Fide status and new visa offices in China.

Any Swedish company with a subsidiary in China or a company with strong ties to Sweden whose employees often need to travel to Sweden can apply to acquire 'Bona Fide' status. The visa facilitations that the Bona Fide status entails will be available for employees of the company to expedite the process of Schengen visa. Click here to read more.

What kind of companies can apply for Bona Fide status?

  • Swedish companies with a subsidiary in China
  • Chinese companies with strong ties to Sweden

What are the benefits for Bona Fide Companies?

  • No need to apply in person
  • Invitation not necessarily in original. A scanned copy is acceptable
  • Limited documents to supply:

- No need to present a business license

- No need to provide a bank account statement, if it is stated in the dispatch letter that the company will cover all costs

  • Decision within 7 calendar days

In order to ensure that you are updated with the most recent information regarding how to apply for visas to Sweden in an effective way, join us for this breakfast seminar with Counsellor Anna Eriksson.

Event Details:

When: Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Time: 09:00-10:30 (registration starts 08:45 with light breakfast)

Where: SwedCham's office

Address: Xinyuanli west n. 20, 2nd floor, 新源里西20号2层

Price: 200 RMB for members and 300 for non-members (including light breakfast)



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Dragon Partners

A special thanks to our Dragon Partners for supporting the Swedish business community in China.
